체류자격<Status of stay>: E-7-1(특정활동-전문인력) <Special activity-professional>
직종설명 <Description of occupation available>
- 난방, 환기, 공기정화, 발전, 운송 및 생산을 위한 기계장치와 시스템을 연구, 설계, 개발하고 기계시스템의 평가, 설치, 운영 및 유지관리와 관련된 업무를 수행하는 자<Pesron who researchs, designs, develops machinary and mechanical system for heating, air circulation, air purification, generation of electricity, delivery and production and does the work related to evlauation of mechanical sysytemm installment, operates and maintains>
가능직업(예시) <Examples of occupation available>
- 프레스금형 설계기술자<Press mold design engineer>
- 플라스틱금형 설계기술자<Plastic mold design engineer>
- 주조금형 설계기술자<Casting mold design engineer>
- 사출금형 설계기술자<Injection mold design engineer>
- 난방기기 기술자<Heating appliance technician>
- 열교환기 설계원<Heat exchanger designer>
- 클린룸 공조설비 설계기술자<Clean room air conditioning equipment>
- GHP 개발자<GHP developer>
- 열교환기 개발자<Heat exchange developer>
- 공기정화설계 기술자<Air purification design engineer>
- 건설기계(기계) 기술자<Construction machinery engineer>
- 토공용 건설기계 설계 개발 기술자<Civil engineering construction machinary design and development engineer>
- 도로포장용 건설기계 설계 개발 기술자<Construction machinary design and developmenet engineer for road paving>
- 운반용 건설기계 설계 개발 기술자<Transport construction machinery design and development engineer>
- 쇄석기·천공기·항타 및 항발기 설계 개발 기술자<Design and development engineer of crusher, boring machine, pile driver>
- 농업용 기계(설계)공학 기술자<Agriculture machinery (design) engineer>
- 광업용 기계(설계)공학 기술자<Mining machinery design engineer>
- 섬유기계(설계) 공학 기술자<Textile machinery design engineer>
- 식품기계(설계) 공학 기술자<Food machinery design engineer>
- 공작기계(설계) 공학 기술자<Machine tool design engineer>
- 유압기계(설계) 공학 기술자<Hydraulic machine design engineer>
- 산업용 로봇 설계 기술자 < Industrial robot design engineer>
비자 취득 경로<Ways to acquire visa>
- 국내 출입국관서를 통한 사증발급인정서를 발급받은 후 재외공관에 사증발급 신청<Make an application for permit of Confirmation of Visa Issuance to immigration office with jurisdiction over address, and applying for visa issuance to ovseas missions with Visa application form which the applicant write down the number of Confirmation of Visa Issuance.>
- 체류자격변경 허가 신청<Application for permit of change of status of stay>
체류자격변경 허가 신청이 가능한 체류자격<Atatus of stay eligible to apply for change of status of stay>
- 문화예술< Culture/Art > [D-1] 및 동반가족<Accompanying family members>[F-3]
- 유학<Study> [D-2] 및 동반가족<Accompanying family members>[F-3]
- 일반연수<General Trainee> [D-4] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 취재<News coverage>[D-5] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 종교<Religious worker>[D-6] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 주재<Intra-company transferee>[D-7] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 기업투자<Business investor>[D-8] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 무역경영<International trade>[D-9] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 구직<Job seeker>[D-10] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 교수<Professor>[E-1] 및 동반자 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 회화지도<Language instructor>[E-2] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 연구<Researcher>[E-3] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 기술지도<Technical instructor>[E-4] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 전문직업<Employment-Professional>[E-5] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
- 예술흥행<Arts/Entertainment>[E-6] 및 동반기족<Accompanying family members> [F-3]
제출서류<Documents to submit>
1. 사증발급인정서 발급 신청 시<Application for Confiramation of Visa Issunce>
- 사증발급인정신청서<Application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance>
- 여권(사본) <Copy of passport>
- 표준규격사진<Standard specification photo>
- 고용계약서<Employment contract>
- 고용업체 설립 관련 서류<Documents related to installment of employer>
- 납세증명서(국세, 지방세)<Tax certificate(National tax, Local tax>
- 외국인의 고용의 필요성을 입증할 수 있는 서류<Documents to prove the needs of hiring foreigner>
- 신원보증서<Letter of guarantee>
- 자격요건 입증서류<Proof of qualifications>
2. 체류자격변경 허가 신청 시 <Application for change of status of stay>
- 통합신청서<Application form>
- 여권(사본)<Copy of passport>
- 표준규격사진<Standard specification photo>
- 고용계약서<Employment contract>
- 고용업체 설립 관련 서류(사업자등록증, 등기부등본 등)<Documents related to installment of employer>
- 경력증명서<Certificate of career>
- 납세증명서(국세, 지방세)<Tax certificate(national tax, local tax)>
- 외국인의 고용의 필요성을 입증할 수 있는 서류<Documents to prove the needs of hiring foreigner>